

From our humble beginnings as a small summer cottage, to our impact today as a regional hospital offering world-class care, 网赌论坛有哪些为网赌论坛有哪些的历史感到骄傲. We hope you enjoy our story — which begins in 1906 on a “活泼的小山.”



纽约医院 began as a summer cottage built high upon “活泼的小山” in 纽约 Village. Early incorporators purchased the land for $15,000 and opened the hospital’s doors on July 22, 1906. 那是一家只有10个房间的医院, and the first patients were those diagnosed with typhoid fever, 癫痫, 风湿病和谵妄, 包括阑尾切除术在内的外科病例, 骨折治疗, 癌, 子宫内膜异位症和子宫切除术. 董事会的第一任主席是Seabury W. 艾伦.



The cottage remained as the hospital’s main building for 50 years before the Board of Trustees, 由罗伊·斯图特万特领导, embarked on a fundraising campaign to erect a new, 照顾病人的现代化设施. 一个现代, two-story building (dubbed the ’58 Building) was built on the hospital property for $400,4月12日开幕, 1959. 这个全新的, 最先进的私立医院, 半私人的, 四人房(共32张床), along with six bassinets and two nurseries on the upper floor for inpatient care. 手术, 紧急, 化验及x光检查, and 支持ive hospital services such as dietary, 供应, 管家, 等.,被安置在较低的一层.

而旧的农舍医院被拆除了, 1958年的建筑至今仍屹立不倒, though it has been added onto and modified several times to be the 纽约医院 we all know and love. The original ’58 Building is the current Hancock Wing’s upper and lower floors.



58年大楼开放一年后, the hospital saw its occupancy rate increase from 66% to 85%, 手术增长了130%, x射线增长了80%, 实验室检测需求增长了125%. 医院很快就没有房间了.

In 1962, a three-story addition was completed on the south wing of the building (on the Barrell Mill Pond side) that included space to increase the bed count to 41, 带室外阳台的日光浴室, 更多的办公室, 护理站, 会议室, 一家药店, 还有额外的空间来扩充医疗记录, 实验室, 中心无菌供应. This addition currently houses breast care on the second level, 实验室接待区在主楼层, IT设备存储在下层.



A two-story north wing addition took place in 1965 to add space for the expanding laboratory, x射线, 一个新的门诊候诊室, 还有更多的办公空间. It went through additional renovations over time and currently houses 实验室oratory, CT扫描, 楼下是导管室, 和埃利斯会议室, 政府, 第二层是心血管护理. The next major addition happened in 1968 when extended care services were added. An entire new wing of the hospital was constructed and attached to the ’58 Building via a corridor.

The 40-bed extended care wing (called the Henry Strater Wing) was dedicated on May 25, 1969. 还有全新的病房, 这个项目增加了一个新的厨房和餐厅, 美容院, 壁炉, 还有医院的第一台彩色电视机. Extended care services remained in the wing until 2008, when the skilled nursing service was transitioned to Durgin Pines Nursing 首页 in Kittery. 该侧翼目前是住院室的所在地.



到20世纪70年代末, the hospital was providing services for 68 acute care beds and 18 skilled nursing beds in a space that was designed for a 46-bed hospital. The community was growing, and pressure to expand was mounting again. The board and leadership looked at many alternatives but in 1979 decided to construct a new wing to solve the space issue. Regulatory issues and CON reviews delayed the project, but the hospital pressed on. 其4美元.4 million expansion, known as the Cameron Biewend Wing, opened in June 1983. It was built toward the northwest corner of the building and provided the hospital with its new entrance on Lindsay Road.

The expansion provided new space for many services to move into – including the 紧急 department (with an ambulance entrance), 一个新的门诊区, 放射学, 有五张床的特殊护理病房, 一个新的大厅和一楼的入口, and new 半私人的 and private inpatient rooms on the second floor to replace the former 41-bed acute care wing in the ’58 Building. The space in the ’58 Building that was vacated was then renovated and turned into physical therapy, 额外的实验室空间, 心脏病学, 医疗记录, 医学图书馆, 办公空间, 还有一个日光浴室.



Things remained quiet for a while as staff and patients became accustomed to the new space. 但有些事情正在酝酿! By 1985, the surgical services at the hospital had grown well beyond its space. 现在30岁, the center needed more space than the two operating rooms could handle, 此外,还出现了另一个新增项目的计划. In 1992, the Baldwin Family 手术 Center opened in the basement of the new Biewend Wing (after relocating the 供应 that had been there to a new location) and building a 4,000平方英尺的加法. 新的手术中心有自己的入口, 一个额外的手术室(使总数达到三个), 并扩大了手术能力, 特殊的程序, 肿瘤护理.

医院并没有止步于此. 新增了许多服务和程序. Most significant changes have occurred in the communities around us. 心脏健康研究所在纽因顿开业, New Hampshire in 1993 (and moved to 纽约 in 2002), and 纽约医院 began bringing services closer to home by building facilities in the surrounding communities.


今天1999 -

威尔斯的第一个地点建于1999年, housing an urgent care center and several ancillary services and physician practices. The success of this site led to many others — including 纽约医院 in 南伯威克 (2004); 纽约医院 in 伯威克 (2007); and a presence in Kittery that began with select services (2008), but eventually led to the building of 纽约医院 in Kittery (2012). The last major renovation/addition to occur on the hospital’s main campus was an addition to the surgery center — which added two additional operating rooms, 扩大了术前和术后空间, and provided a private recovery area — was completed in two phases (2010 and 2011).

今天, 纽约医院 includes the main hospital building (with all of its additions and changes), along with dozens of community sites and physician practices to care for all of your health care needs. We will continue to adapt and grow, as the health care world continues to evolve.