
Surgery and Endoscopy 服务

网赌论坛有哪些的彼得森家庭手术中心将先进的技术与个性化的护理结合在一起, 支持ive environment. 该中心配备了五间手术套房,由专业和训练有素的专家团队组成,他们在术前照顾患者, 在手术过程中, 在恢复过程中.

A team approach to personalized care

手术中心的工作人员都是经过委员会认证的外科医生和麻醉师, highly skilled physician assistants, 第一助手, RNs, surgical technicians, central sterile staff, a dedicated nurse navigator and 支持 staff. 在一起, 网赌论坛有哪些创造了一种环境和体验,在这种环境和体验中,每个病人都得到了个性化的照顾, respectful way throughout their entire stay.

您的隐私和尊重在网赌论坛有哪些中心是至关重要的-网赌论坛有哪些在您住院期间为每位患者提供私人房间, from pre-op through recovery and post-op care. 网赌论坛有哪些充满爱心和关怀的员工和家庭友好的环境随时为您和您的亲人提供支持.

State-of-the-art surgery center

网赌论坛有哪些外科中心的环境以患者的舒适度为基础,网赌论坛有哪些熟练的外科医生和员工团队在不断发展的技术和最新程序中提供创新的外科技术和专业知识. 网赌论坛有哪些的中心配备了最先进的技术和仪器,每年在以下专业进行3500多例外科手术:

  • 普通外科
  • Ear nose and throat (Otolaryngology)
  • 妇科
  • 整形外科手术
  • 足病手术
  • Urology – including greenlight laser therapy

网赌论坛有哪些的外科医生与网赌论坛有哪些的麻醉师和护士麻醉师(CRNA)团队合作,帮助减轻患者的疼痛和不适, during and after their procedure. Amenities like private waiting and recovery rooms, 温暖的毯子, and room service create a 舒适的 atmosphere.

Endoscopy 服务 at 纽约医院

内窥镜检查如结肠镜检查和其他胃肠病学检查都是在轻松的环境中进行的, soothing and 舒适的 environment at 纽约医院’s surgery center.

Experienced and compassionate nursing staff work closely with patients, 家庭成员和医生创造一个个性化的护理和舒适的环境. 网赌论坛有哪些的中心为每位患者提供个性化的关注,从他们到达的那一刻起,直到他们被护送出门.

网赌论坛有哪些的专业人员与个人一起工作,根据需要评估和缓解疼痛和舒适, 网赌论坛有哪些的中心为每位病人提供一个单独的房间,用于手术前和手术后的康复护理. Other procedures and 服务 that are performed here include urology, 肺学, and infectious disease.

给网赌论坛有哪些打电话 (207) 351-2410 for more information.

Frequently asked questions


Once your surgery is scheduled by your surgeon’s office, 网赌论坛有哪些的术前护理团队开始行动,为病人制定了护理计划. Our pre-op team will coordinate all of the necessary pre-op paperwork, review your medical history and medications, and schedule any testing (if needed). 网赌论坛有哪些还将为您提供具体的指导并回答您可能遇到的任何问题.

如果您在手术前有任何需求,您可以直接联系术前小组,地址是 (207) 361-3654 or (207) 361-3627. They are available Monday-Friday 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.

Preparing at home for surgery

If you become ill with fever, 冷, sore throat or other illness before your scheduled surgery, 然后请通知你的医生,因为手术可能需要推迟到你康复后. If you will be given general anesthesia or any sedation, 然后你必须安排人按照你的程序开车送你回家. 你接受的任何麻醉都可能使你昏昏欲睡长达24小时,所以不允许开车.

Other steps to prepare for surgery include:

  • Please bathe or shower prior to coming in for surgery.
  • 去掉所有的指甲油、化妆品、口红、假睫毛和假发.
  • 请穿休闲装, 舒适的, loose clothing such as sweat suits, 容易扣的衬衫或衬衫要足够大,以防你在手术后缠上大绷带, as well as 舒适的 shoes (please, 不穿高跟鞋). All personal items need to be removed prior to surgery. Your nurse will instruct you of any exceptions to this policy.
  • Please leave valuables and jewelry at home. If you wear contact lenses, bring a case or leave them at home.
  • If you wear glasses, bring your case for their safekeeping.
  • If you smoke, try to quit or cut down before surgery.

Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day of your procedure, unless otherwise instructed by your surgery personnel. This includes chewing gum, mints, water, and coffee.

请在您的外科医生和/或术前护士指定的时间到达网赌论坛有哪些,以便您可以为手术做准备. Complimentary parking is provided at 纽约医院. 在你登记后,你将被带到一个私人的术前病房.

A nurse will take a brief medical history, 进行任何必要的(尚未完成的)实验室工作,并要求您签署手术同意书. 您还将与网赌论坛有哪些的麻醉团队成员之一会面,讨论您将接受的麻醉类型. Family may remain with you during this time.

When the nurse is taking your history, please remember to mention:

  • 如果你戴假牙,包括永久性假牙,如桥牙帽或牙冠
  • Any medication you have taken or brought from home
  • 任何过敏
  • Special orders from your physician
  • Colds, fever or infection
  • 如为儿童,则指该儿童曾患的任何严重或慢性疾病
  • Any problems you have had with previous surgery or anesthesia
  • Any family members who have had trouble with anesthesia

一旦确定你处于安全状态,就可以进行手术, 你的家人或朋友可以在房间里陪着你,直到你被送去做手术. 从那里, 为了您的安全,您将被直接放在轮床上或轮椅上送往手术室. Your friends and family will then be directed to the waiting area.

是的. 你的手术将在网赌论坛有哪些五间手术室的其中一间进行. Family members can wait in the family waiting area, in our outdoor serenity garden (weather permitting), or your post-op room if available. 外科医生会告诉他们你手术后的最新情况.

手术后, 在你康复期间,你将被带到麻醉后护理病房(PACU). 在PACU中花费的时间因患者而异,但通常平均约为45分钟至1小时. 然后你会被转移到一个单独的术后病房在那里你会待在那里直到安全回家.

Friends and family members are welcome to stay with you as well. Depending on the type of anesthesia you received, you may have blurry vision, a dry mouth and/or chills. Noises may sound louder than usual. The nurse will check your dressing(s) and blood pressure often. You may also have an IV and other tubes used for drainage. The area around your surgery may hurt or burn. Don´t be afraid to ask your nurse for pain medication.

Before you can leave the hospital, your nurse will make sure that you are able to walk, urinate and take liquids. (If you are an inpatient, 您将被带到医院顶楼的病房,由网赌论坛有哪些专业的内科-外科护理护士团队进行进一步护理(详情请参阅住院护理)。.

Outpatients will be discharged the day of surgery and recover at home. Before you leave the hospital, 你的外科医生和护士会给你具体的书面指示,告诉你如何在家照顾自己,并回答你当时可能遇到的任何问题. 记住,运动有助于血液循环和深呼吸加速恢复. 你会被告知哪种类型的活动对你的特定过程是安全的.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与您的外科医生办公室联系或网赌论坛有哪些 (207) 351-2400 的信息.


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Surgery Associates of 纽约医院

See location information

Surgery Center at 纽约医院

See location information
  • 1 (当前)



Surgical Technology

At 纽约医院’s Peterson Family Surgery Center, 网赌论坛有哪些利用最新的技术来确保网赌论坛有哪些的病人在家附近就能得到最好的护理.


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