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感谢像你这样慷慨的捐赠者的慈善支持, 网赌论坛有哪些每天都能满足网赌论坛有哪些社区不断变化的需求. 网赌论坛有哪些富有同情心的医生和员工提供最优质的服务, 利用最先进的技术和设备. Because of you, York Hospital will be here when you, your loved ones, and your neighbors need us most. And for that, we are grateful.


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Why donate


State-of-the-art medical equipment


Improved patient experiences


New programs, services, & community benefits


Financial assistance for patients

Thanks to your gifts, 网赌论坛有哪些的病人财政援助计划每年为100多名社区成员提供支持.

Caring for All Fund

网赌论坛有哪些关爱所有人基金的每一笔捐款都将留在社区,为网赌论坛有哪些卫生系统的最新需求提供关键支持. Your donation to this fund will support strategic, mission-driven capital funding needs, expand programs and services, provide high-quality care to patients, purchase new equipment, maintain facilities, and invest in the latest technology.

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Special initiatives

Heart Cardiac Campaign

Leading with Heart Cardiac Campaign

当涉及到心脏病护理时,及时获得是至关重要的. So, too, 是网赌论坛有哪些为该地区最好的心脏病专家和他们的病人建立最先进的心导管实验室的努力吗. With your generous gift, 你可以成为网赌论坛有哪些使命的一部分,继续为网赌论坛有哪些的社区提供世界一流的心脏病治疗.

Learn more

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Doctor and patient

Hancock Family Fund for Healthy Aging

这个基金是为了纪念弗兰克和凯·汉考克而设立的. The fund recognizes their leadership, community spirit, 和社区服务-支持计划和服务,促进和造福网赌论坛有哪些的社区的身体, emotional, spiritual, and overall health and well-being.

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People hugging

Living Well Cancer Fund

该基金帮助支持那些被诊断患有癌症并正在网赌论坛有哪些接受治疗的人的项目, through services centering on the mind, body, and well-being. The programs focus on:

  • Financial help
  • Comfort, protection, and self-esteem
  • Celebration of life
  • Relaxation and stress reduction
  • Education, support, and information
  • Health and wellness
  • Enhancing strength and flexibility
  • Creativity and self-expression

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Tribute or memorial gift

纪念和荣誉礼物网赌论坛有哪些可以是一个有意义的方式来认识一个特殊的照顾者, honor the memory of a loved one, or mark a special occasion. 如果你想向某个人致敬,请在你的礼物中附上他们的名字和地址. 如果你想邀请朋友和家人在你所爱的人去世后做出纪念贡献代替鲜花, 请在讣告中使用以下语言:

“As an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions in honor of may be made to York Hospital, 15 Hospital Drive, York, ME 03909. Attention: Hilary Leonhard, Office of Philanthropy.”

如果你需要额外的帮助,请发邮件给我 or call (207) 351-3430

Planned gifts

你的遗嘱或遗产计划反映了你的价值观和目标. 许多人把慈善作为他们遗嘱或信托的一部分, 相信回馈他人会让网赌论坛有哪些的世界变得更美好.

最简单的计划礼物之一就是把你的一部分遗产留给你关心的组织. 您可以通过您的遗嘱或信托基金将网赌论坛有哪些指定为IRA的受益人,从而帮助该医院, charitable gift annuity, life insurance policy, or other asset. 一份慷慨的礼物在你的一生中不会让你付出任何代价. Still, 哪怕只捐出你全部财产的1%,也能对网赌论坛有哪些的后代产生重大影响.

下面列出了几种制作计划好的礼物的方法. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Hilary Leonhard,慈善经理 or (207) 351-3430.


Ways to give planned gifts


“I give to York Hospital, York, ME, ____我的遗产(或总额____)的百分比,用于其一般用途和目的.”

Most retirement plan assets, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, 在传给继承人时都要纳税——但是你的退休计划资产可以100%免税转移到网赌论坛有哪些吗. To name us as the beneficiary, consult with your adviser, 然后通知计划管理人您的决定,并填写受益人变更表.

慈善捐赠年金是您与网赌论坛有哪些之间的一种合同,您首先进行捐赠,然后在一生中获得回报. 捐款后,您还可以享受慈善税收减免.

将房地产全部或部分赠与是支持网赌论坛有哪些的好方法. 在转让过程中,你不会承担任何纳税义务,而且会根据房产的公平市场价值获得税收减免.

如果你超过70岁半,并且从你的个人退休账户中提取最低分配, 你可以直接将全部或部分分配给网赌论坛有哪些(最高100美元),000).

Have investments that have been appreciated? 考虑把它们捐给网赌论坛有哪些,以最大限度地提高你的影响力和税收优惠.

When you gift an investment that's appreciated, 作为慈善捐赠,你可以扣除该证券的公平市场价值,从而避免出售所得的资本利得税. In other words, 通过直接捐赠投资(而不是捐赠销售的现金收入),你会产生更大的影响。.

Have questions?

如果您有任何问题或需要帮助设置捐赠, please reach out to our philanthropy team.

Hilary Leonhard
Philanthropy Manager
Phone: (207) 351-3430

Katie Sullivan
Philanthropy Associate
Phone: (207) 351-2086

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